Saturday, April 24, 2010

White Cheese with Basil

I made queso blanco from some milk I needed to use up before it went bad. It's a great way to use milk up. How to is on The Homestead Hearth forums, here.

I've only made it twice but I think it's easy as pie, despite screwing up one of the very few steps. I even did my own little spin of basil mixed in. Easy as pie. Now if I only had some fruit for pie...


Allegra said...

Oooh! I definitely want to try this. What kind of milk did you use? Whole?

Sarah Jane at The Crafteteria said...

I used regular ole 2% from Trader Joes. I think in the comments of the link they talk about using different types of milk.

This was my second time and I didn't have a whole gallon, so I sort of figured out how to reduce. I didn't add enough salt I think, but last time I put way too much in. It's a learning process.

The cheese came out tasting a bit like ricotta or a little like mozzarella. I think I'm going to use this in lasagna or something similar.